When was the last time you had a really good purge?

Clearing out old clothes, clothes that no longer fit, clothes that are out of fashion, clothes you don't like anymore? Do you donate those clothes or just toss them?

Rex Neanderthalex2014-03-03T14:06:07Z

Favorite Answer

Right after hurricane Sandy & the Nor'easter a week later. I gave away jackets, sweaters, shoes, shirts & pants to a charity to replace clothing at least that guy might want. About 100 weight/pounds worth, and I still have a lot of crap that I never even wear.


Friday. I donate what's still intact. I usually where the clothes I like until they're ripped to hell so I just throw them away.


Years and years ago, my clothes from six years ago still fit me today, and they're in pretty good condition so there's no need to throw them out.


I swap with friends



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