Reaping and sowing?

Salaams to all.

a contact recently asked a question about patience and tranquility of spirit...

this came in my mail and i thought to share it inshallah.
A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

"Remember that the reaping is in accordance with the sowing. Pray for tranquillity of spirit and cultivate patience."

Jesus, (2048.4) 192:2.8

does this remind you of the Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi?
thank you for your comments.


Favorite Answer

Yes we need to learn equanimity with emotions.

" Your primary lessons on this plane are faith and love. These are not the only lessons, but the primary ones. You are not working to become perfect, nor can you ever be entirely free of emotion while in human form or within third density. Rather, you are working toward what we would call equanimity with emotions, where the rising of an emotion no longer leads to reactivity.

You keep returning to the physical plane, practicing faith and love, learning to move beyond reactivity to the emotional body. When you accept the arising of emotions non-judgmentally, make friends with yourself let us say, then and only then are you ready to learn lessons of non-judgment to others. "

Aaron - Barbara Brodsky