For people who are racist/bigots how in the world do they function on their job, in school, in social settings?

I think that would be hard and very stressful.


Rock....I don't like some individuals but I truly don't dislike a whole group of people just because they're not the same as I am.

Sir. Mudkip2014-06-04T12:48:27Z

Favorite Answer

Me too. It is probably really stressful for them.


anyone I ever knew who worked and was like that was living in denial of the truth,had low self esteem with their conscience seared to truth of love and carried many demons one is division and rejection and felt good about their racism and many who carry this are also alcoholics who later become so hateful and unreasonable to everyone . If they do not love themselves enough to try and be healthy then how they are going to love anyone? It does not have to be just white people it can be any race who carries any combination of spirits that cause this. Pride is the chief demon of any group of demons and if you can strike down pride the rest will go down with it.

Johnny Chimpo2014-06-04T12:57:32Z

What, you don't think we can act? When you're smart enough, you can act any way you want around any people you want. I can insult people to their face, yet they are oblivious because they don't understand vocabulary.


They compartmentalize.


I am the clutch player on every major team at my school

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