If the Democrats are as evil/incompetent/communist as claimed. Why do they regularly win elections?

Are half the American people stupid? And if so which half?


Favorite Answer

No. It's a combination of:

1. The dems are better at getting their "base" to the polls, and
2. the current "trend" of conservatives being single-issue voters and selfish "I'll-take-my-marbles-and-go-home" voters.

One difference between conservatives and liberals: Conservatives are guided by TRUTH. Liberals try to GUIDE the Truth.

Republican since before she was born… and PROUD of it.


They win elections because there are more takers than makers in this world. So much so that it's a miracle that the Republicans EVER win an election.


Turn it around my friend, republicans win plenty of elections too no matter how many democrats demean teh party and claim they can't. It is a silly question. Reagan, then clinton, then bush, then bush and now Obama. Seems pretty even to me.


It's kinda libtarded to ignore the 2010 midterm elections when libtards controlled congress and the executive branch.


people are easily influenced. we do NOT spend the time and thought to make up our own minds.

there is NOT too much difference. a very rough division is progressive vs conservative, change in the hope of making things better or sticking to the old ways of the "good old days". Economic self interest is the biggest driver.
get wealth to get power.
get power to get wealth

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