What are your thoughts about multi-millionaires and billionaires not giving money to their children?


I think some money should go to the children at certain ages. Like 30, 40, 50, and so on. I think it's part of why some of us work so hard....to make things a little better for our children.

Lost Equation2014-08-11T16:02:53Z

I admire them. They want their children to "earn" their way just like they do so life isn't an easy street. They are leaving some to their children but not all...gates, buffet, etc.

Also,,,cooper on CNN....read this:

"Anderson Cooper may come from a family with money, but he won't be seeing a dime of it.
Though his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, inherited a fortune before making her own millions, Cooper will not receive an inheritance.

"My mom's made clear to me that there's no trust fund. There's none of that," he told Howard Stern. "[And] I don't believe in inheriting money.""


Why do children deserve anything? Giving someone a free ride is the worst thing you can do for them.


Let me just say I never expected , nor did I receive any money from anyone that I didn't earn , ...money has screwed up many people and they know who they are

Felonious Monkey2014-08-11T16:08:56Z

Smart parents. Few things in life are as dangerous as wealth without work.


give it to me

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