Renting rooms in a home. I have three kids, 8,11 and 21 months old. What percent of the utilities should I expect to pay?

This is a private home and just one lady lives in it by herself.


Favorite Answer

It really depends on what both adults deem as fair. Some might say divide by half, but with regard to utilities that children can easily effect, I would say a more fair offer would be to pay at least 2/3 of the bill.


Just from a strictly numerical standpoint, your family is 4/5 of the occupants of the property, so 80% would be correct. Now, the 21 month old probably doesn't use much electricity, but with everyone involved her utility bills will surely go up significantly. I'd say 75% would be reasonable. The other thing you can do is ask to see her utility bills for several months before you moved in (to establish her baseline utility costs), then pay the difference from that baseline amount to her current utility costs, since that's what your family is actually costing.


Be careful renting rooms in a neighborhood which may be classified as a single family residential area. Neighbors can sue the home owner to follow the deed restrictions or a home owners association could also take action and force you out.


Thank You Jenny and I should had told you all that it really wasn't me who is renting. I'm the only woman who owns the house. I never had to do this before and want to be completely fair on what to charge her.


Such a low life, you can't afford renting a house? I guess you don't know who is you children father