What does your cat do?

Whats the cutest thing your cat has ever done.

Universal Whisperer2014-12-10T17:23:47Z

Favorite Answer

One of the cutest things one of my cats has ever done is stand up on his hind legs and wave his forelegs in the air to beg for attention or treats. Pictured is Gabriel standing up and begging.


My male cat is food crazy - he is constantly begging for food so I have to keep in the refrigerator as that is the only way he can't get to it. When I go to the fridge for any reason he paces back and forth until I open and then stands in front of it and places his front feet on the bottom shelf to look around - like he is 'shopping'.


She dose lots of cute things bit the cutest has to be the way she sleeps with me she insists on me rapping my arms around her like a teddy bear and i I like it because her pear sends me to sleep


When Im lying on my tummy reading, my cat gets I to the curve of my shoulder blades and sleeps there. Half the time she stays awake and just licks the back of my head/neck

John M2014-12-10T17:36:51Z

One of my cats will sit and beg for food like the white one above but he takes his pawl and wipes it across his face instead. He also will retrieve a toy mouse if I throw it.