The newest questions are those under the 'Answer' (not 'Discover) tab on the main Yahoo! Answers homepage or any category homepage. They are displayed most-recent to older.
If a question has already received one or more answers, the number of answers will be shown and 'Add your answer' appears in the answer box.
If the question has received no answers, there is no number of answers shown and 'Be the first to answer' appears in the answer box.
We no longer have the option to sort questions by the number of answers they've received (except by using the 'Saved Search' function, which is topic-specific) but can still see which questions have/haven't been answered without opening each one individually.
they separate RESOLVED questions from new, but unless a user who posts a Q picks a best answer the post will remain in the new/active/open category
Kitty cat
Yes it would be easier to know if the answer is answered so you know if you answer it or not