If our Macro-Reality is a Virtual Reality Hologram,....?

Which is projected by the Quantum Realm of Reality, will Astrophysics and Cosmology have to give up their so-far frustrated search for a consistent theory of gravity, space (dark) matter and energy. Would the vaunted Laws of Physics crumble?


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Reality IS a multiple dimensional hologram. It is built from interference patterns of energy vibrations in the substrate that underlies reality - once referred to as the 'aether'. This concept was in vogue about 150 years ago, but was later given up because we had no way of detecting it. Modern physicists are now re-visiting this concept and devising new ways of experimentation to verify that this is in fact how things are created. This concept also gives the possibility of understanding the higher-vibrational realms referred to as astral, spiritual etc.

Floppy Bob2015-02-16T05:39:54Z

This idea of a holographic universe comes from the idea about information in a black hole. It was found that the content of a black hole could be describe by the information that is scattered on the surface of the black hole. This is similar to a hologram, where the image displayed by a hologram is described by the film surrounding the image.

This idea was then extended to cosmology, and the suggestion is that the content of our universe can be described by a boundary that lies on a horizon far out there. This however doesn't mean we are a virtual reality. Just as when an object falls into the black hole, is the information scattered on the surface of the black hole, or is it in the black hole? Well the answer is both.

That said, it will not invalidate our current understanding of how the universe works. The laws of physics describes the way nature works, and so even if our nature is a projection of information that are described on a horizon far out there, our nature still works the way they do now according the laws that we've uncovered thus far.

George Patton2015-02-16T05:24:06Z

You don't seem to understand the idea behind a holographic universe. It has nothing to do with "virtual reality". The idea is that the universe is actually 2 dimensional, but projected as 3 dimensional. It would be no less real. And things like gravity would still apply.

who WAS #1?2015-02-16T10:03:49Z

Ah... a most excellent question.

I know the answer.
Gravity is not a pull it is a push.
The same laws of physics apply, all the math still works but modern science has it backwards because they can not admit to there being a "Creator".

Yup, the books contain a unified field theory which I believe is valid.

Yes this is a holographic universe. Every part contains the whole.
film at 11 ;)


It will be interesting to accomplish, crumble Physics no maybe HUMBLE it but never crumble a foundation of bedrock

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