Why does my leg keep falling asleep?

Ok so I am 21 and yes I'm a bit chubby im 200 pounds even and have bounced between 200-205 pounds the last few years of my life. But I have never had this problem before. My right leg continuously falls asleep and my foot when I lay down or sit down the only time it doesn't fall asleep or feel like it has no circulation is when I am standing or laying flat on my stomach or back. If I sit or lay on my right side my entire right leg and foot will start to go numb within minutes and this process has been happening going on 2 months now. What could this be ? I am over weight but not serverly and I drink water everyday so I am confused as to what could be going on. Anyone please give a little information !


something is getting pinched because your extra weight is keeping you (and me) from good spinal alignment . Go to the doctor and the first thing they will say is loose weight..........and that probably would help the problem significantly. Poor spinal alignment can result in "slipped" or bulging discs........later compressed discs.