If Jews consider Christ a prophet, why is Matthew, mark, Luke and John not in their bible?


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If Jews consider Christ a prophet, why is Matthew, mark, Luke and John not in their bible?

~~~ Jews DO NOT consider Jesus a 'prophet'!
That be Xtians and Muslims.

Cosmos Jones2015-06-14T05:47:38Z

Jews didn't consider him a prophet. They thought he was a bastard and a magician. The ones who thought he might be a prophet and Peter does refer to some say you are one of the deceased prophets like Jeremiah or Elijah. etc because followers of Christ. That is what the name Christian means. Jews allowed other Jews to teach and expound on scriptures and this included Jewish people who became Christians and this was in the early church and referenced to in the Bible. It is like now. Some people believe and some do not.


In Judaism Jesus is not considered anything at all! He is not the messiah, not a prophet, not a Rabbi (actually impossible since the title only started 60 years after the time he supposedly lived in), not a teacher or even a particularly observant Jew. He is completely irrelevant and meaningless to Jews and thus the Christian scriptures are completely irrelevant and meaningless to Jews. Jesus is completely unremarked on and completely missing from all Jewish documentation and religious discussions since he is irrelevant and ireelevant things are not discussed.


Jews don't consider him a prophet , Muslims consider him a prophet


Don't you mean Muslims? I don't think the Jews consider Jesus a Christ.

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