In Britain, do you ever make a joke about having pudding for your pudding?

Do you ever make a joke about having pudding (similar to mousse) for your pudding (dessert)? Or do you ever use the two words together?

(If you make this kind of a joke at all, I imagine it's a children's joke.)


In Britain, do you commonly have pudding (the food item)? Is it generally available?



Normally if we are not using Pudding in preference to dessert. It refers to a Steamed Pudding. (A Steamed Cake mix basically) The normal joke is for the "Spotted Dick" which is Steamed vanilla cake mix with dried fruit in it (Currents and/or Raisins and/or Sultanas) normally like a log. We also have Treacle or Jam, These have the Treacle or Jam put into the bottom of a Pudding Bowl then the cake mix, It is then covered then Steamed. All 3 normally served with Custard

Andy C


not exactly a joke but there are many recipes in england that are called puddings - like chocolate pudding with melt in the middle and many old traditional puddings that tend to be known as puddings because they're heavy and often contain suet - like plum duff.

