Doesn t the recent revelation of Exxon s suppression of internal science point out the problems with rejecting expert opinion based on who s paying?

It seems to me that it might be more pertinent to ask if they are - say - scientists doing science, rather than being paid lobbyists, some of whom have science degrees.

Mother Hubbard2015-10-21T10:30:23Z

Favorite Answer

our policies are based on the news we get- which is brought to you by our sponors.
What Exxon did was against anti-racketeering law- they created mass belief and manipulated markets with lies.


Face the facts. Most all researchers are just trying to prove a preconceived conclusion, depending on who is funding. Government funded "science" is not only no better, but far worse.

Jack Boot2015-10-21T10:28:16Z

I don't understand what you are trying to say.

Take the kumquats out of your frontal lobe and communicate like a man.


Cons have been saying follow the money for years when it comes to global warming, it has been the libs that have stated there isn't any money to follow as we all watch Gore get rich.


capitalism creates liars who are then worshipped by the capitalist religion people