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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

It didn't take long. Is Obama's bid over now that he has REJECTED offshore drilling?

Within hours of the proposal to lift the offshore drilling ban, I think Obama has sealed his fate on his run for the White House by rejecting offshore drilling while we all know that China is drilling 50 miles off Florida's shores.

Is this the CHANGE that will do him in? In other words, NO CHANGE, when we desperately need change.

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I stand corrected! China is not drilling 50 miles off the Florida coast. It is up for lease and any country can lease that area except for American oil companies. All because of the law Obama wants to enforce.

Thanks for making the Democrats look so fair! All but Americans. What a change, huh?

Update 2:


And 'stew S' what is so good about drilling for oil that cost you more than $135 a barrel instead of drilling for the oil that is easily accessible. Who cares if we have a "BILLION" acres, if it cost more to get it than we can get from the Saudis?

Update 3:

This is Obama's second time facing a crisis. He also said allowing us to keep 18 cents on each gallon of gas we pump was a gimmick? Anyone see a trend here of "CHANGE?"

I think it is CHANGING back to Carter's ways when we had fuel rationing where only the select few could obtain gas waiting in lines where they could only pump 4 or 5 gallons of gas. Change to the 1980's isn't my idea of moving forward.

Update 4:


How about it good Democrats are you willing to watch your children starve so you can hurt those big fat rich oil companies? Is that what it's about. Hurt someone else so you feel better. Get those rich people and let's burn them at the stake!!! You should have got over this by about the third grade. Democrats are a jealous Party it appears.

Update 5:


YES, there absolutely is something from keeping Exxon-Mobil oil from drilling off the Florida coast... the very law that Obama wants to keep in place.

Update 6:


Folks... use your head a little and tell us what is wrong with drilling off our shores? What is wrong... is it WRONG because Obama doesn't want to do it, or do you even really know?

Let's hear it... and try not to sound stupid when you explain it to us.

Update 7:

Let me give you a hint... the law started with the "technology" of 25 years ago.

Today it is being promoted by the Democrats for fear we will pull out of this crisis and you won't blame the Republicans for it. Can you not see this?

Update 8:


Let's see how far you can promote Obama. When the price reaches $15 a gallon, that is the magic number where experts say it will go no higher. How many $300 tankfulls will it take before you think it might be a good idea not to wait for solar?

Update 9:


You're sort of cute too, Mike C. Now pull up your pants and turn your mother's computer off and go outside and play.

Update 10:


I love the attitude that you "can't drill your way out of this problem." Tell that to the Saudis.

Update 11:



Well, OK, I'm going to quit posting but I will leave this with you.

Just watch... from here on Obama's numbers will decline. This will be his downfall.

Instead of promoting himself, he was promoting the Democratic Party. He got screwed but that is what happens to unseasoned politicians.

I am now certain that McCain will be our next president as long as he stays healthy. I was waiting for this moment and it came sooner than I expected. I actually feel sorry for Obama but he will be back and it is likely he will be president one day.


Update 12:

PS: Don't forget to star this question Democrats so I can be humiliated to eternity if Obama's numbers don't fall.

31 Answers

  • kmca63
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I hope so. If people would open their brains and listen to what this moron is actually saying he would have been done long ago.

    EDIT: CNN and FoxNews BOTH claim that China is/will be drilling off Florida.

    EDIT: Why won't Exxon? Congress BANNED them from doing so in the 1980's.

    EDIT3: Doing nothing and waiting for alternate fuel will accomplish NOTHING.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dream on, there is more money to lose if we drill off our coasts, by spills and the destruction of our vacation industries. Not only that, the FACTS are that drilling offshore will NOT lower the gas prices, the problem isn't a lack of oil it is with the refineries. But don't let the facts get in your way of spreading your right wing wacko propaganda.

    As for Obama, I'll just wait to see the tears from all you Repugs when he wins the presidency. Maybe we should take a idea from the Repugs and have a 100 year Democratic rule!!!! We'll show you how it should be run!

  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately Oil revenue experts also agree that "off shore" oil drilling will do nothing to immediately to effect the price of gas at the pumps. Even the California Governor is against offshore drilling. The research & developement of alternative fuel sources & vehicles is causing the Saudis to "revaluate" oil prices. They realize that each successful alternative means less business for them in the future. ( of course, asking the American oil companies to level their profits to a point where pump prices are not harming the everyday economy would be " unpatriotic" ?)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Those who support Obama believe that the oil problem is engineered and fake, that the U.S. has more than enough domestic oil, or that increases in oil prices saves the planet from emmisions and the like by forcing everyone to change their habbits due to personal expenses. If they are wrong the U.S. should be running out of domestic oil and should enter into prolonged famine. Its hard to tell given that oil reserve figures have historically increased every year rather than declined, which would be more logical (when you use a limitted resource the amount of the limitted resource should be gong down not up)

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I saw a headline today saying Pres. Bush was lifting the offshore drilling ban. If that is so then BO will jump on the bandwagon and he will be for it any moment now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    do you have a link or source that shows a picture of the Chinese oil platform "50 miles off Florida's shores" ?

    the clear majority of experts say the the U.S. can NOT drill it's way out of it's oil problem - and most Americans are smart enough to understand this


    the Saudis understand that their awesome oil reserve is about half gone.

    and whats left wont last forever.

    in fact they are taking steps to make sure they invest wisely now for the future of their country.

    they understand "peak" oil.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I love that posts on here are "eternal", don't you? Here we are approaching the end of Obama's SECOND term and your confident prediction that his bid for the Presidency is "doomed" is still here for all to see....along with YOUR IDENTITY!

  • 6 years ago


  • 1 decade ago

    He is a liberal tried and true! they dont believe in progress period! its not hard to understand where he stands. He cannot understand where these enormous fuel prices are going to lead us he has never seen or dealt with such problems. his plan is "maybe it will go away on its own." Not the best plan stratagy but its a democratic designed play.

  • 1 decade ago

    You people just want to rape the planet for resources. I live in California and there is a very strong anti-drilling sentiment here. There will be NO offshore drilling of our coasts in California. Never, and there really isn't anything you can do about it. Even McBush has proposed that these decisions be left up to individual states. It'll never be voted in here, I can assure you of that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    One of the few times Obama should have promoted change but didn't!

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