How much can I raise my GPA in two years?

I screwed around freshman and sophomore year. I'm a junior now and my GPA as of last year was a 2.2. If I get A's and B's this year and next, how much would it raise to by the time I graduated?
(Please don't say "hah you deserve not getting to go to a good college" or anything like that. I'm a kid who never intended to go to college until late in the high school game. I made a mistake, like most teenagers. Be polite please.)


If in USA u can attend local community colleges for first two to three years of degree or programs leading to employment and good paying income locally.
Ur GPA from high school will not matter
GPA in community colleges will matter.

If you get ALL A's next 2 years- GPA over 3.2 then


Doesn't your school have a guidance councilor? Find out which college you want to get into and what are the requirements for it. Not all schools require perfect CGPA and school record.