Help with a movie Title?

I remember watching a TV movie years ago but can t remember the title. It was about an Astronaut who dies during reentry and then wakes up in water. Making it to land he discovers that he s young again and is in some weird afterlife world that is anything but heaven.


Favorite Answer

Hale, an American astronaut dies and is reincarnated with other persons who have lived throughout all of human history and end up on a mysterious planet called 'Riverworld'. The humans are left to their own devices and create tribal fiefdoms and succumb to brutal wars and raids. A mysterious race of hooded 'beings' oversee them - sometimes intervening, but their motives are unknown. Anyone who has ever lived and died on Earth comes here rather than 'the afterlife', even an extra-terrestrial call Monat, who had the unfortunate luck of dying on Earth in 2039.