Do cancers naturally have decent memories?

I was at a game night as an activity and one of the members was singing different songs with one of them being Last Friday Night bt Katy Perry and she couldn t remember all the words to it so I started singing some of the lyrics and she asked how do I know all these lyrics and then asked what my horoscope sign was which I said Cancer and she then said, oh, that s why.


Well yes, for the most part some Cancers do. If we feel something or a event or song touched us emotionally; we'll most likely never forget it. I know for me; i can remember a lot of things if its important to me or touched me emotionally. This older lady whose really nice at my school; was amazed that i could still remember her birthday or things she told me last year or a few weeks ago. I think it's pretty cool we can do that huh. Plus it can even help people we care about if they forgot something. I guess being a Cancer isn't that bad =).


I try.
What about when my memories don't try to keep me decent?
A slow descent.
Nobody will know what any of it meant.
That's how I've spent my time.
Probably not even mine.
Underwear has better memories than a brown-noser which lies.
Somebody else will have to decide.
Suicide? .... maybe it's a sin ....
You can forget me again.