How do I tell if it is April 1st from the questions on Yahoo since so many questions the rest of the year are just the same?

Joe Roth2016-04-02T16:44:04Z

Favorite Answer

The questions go from half-*** to bizarre.


Look at the URL address of the question. Yours for example is /question/index?qid=20160402152723AAFqVtw

Go to the qid= and look at the the 8 numbers that follow. For yours it is 2016 (year) 04 (April) 02 (day)

You asked it at 152723, or 3:27 PM and 23 seconds.


Click or tap the URL address box of the question and move the cursor to the right to the end of the URL address. The time stamp will be at the end. BE aware that the hour m and minute day may be in Utc, universal time coordinate and for the time zone you are located. Greenwich mean time.. There is a difference between UTC and GMT. but that's how you fine what day a question was pasted.. assuming you are in the recent Answers question,. but it would be the same for the Discover question.


You look at the date and time under the questions in the Answer column not in the Discover column.