How do I stop thinking about dying and what happens after that?

Hey, I don't know where else to ask this but I constantly think about death, every single day at almost every occasion when I'm by myself, and sometimes when I'm with others, I think about stuff like when you're dead how it is and what time is and stuff, I can really dig deep in my thoughts and get scared AF, what should I do?


Favorite Answer

Just chill


We all think about death, but we all die. Everything does. We don't know how or when we will die, only that the day will come.
Many cultures valued the manner of death. The Spartans wanted to die in battle. The oldest joke I know comes from the Athenians, who used to joke about the Spartan males' desire for a death in battle. "Why are the Spartans so willing to die?' Answer, "It is their only honorable escape from their food." Spartan men lived on what could only be called, "Blood Soup", which was made from the blood of animals. Anyone else who tried it threw up. It was really horrible.
The Plains Indians said, "It is a good day to die" and the Samurai of Japan killed themselves to avoid the shame of defeat.
You will meet it when it comes for you. Try to meet death with the courage you had in life.


It's normal to think/worry about death from time to time, but not to this extent. You need to see a counselor.


I suggest considering how it was before you were born. Was it bad or difficult in any way?


chief some of that "loudpack"