Could my new cat be pregnant?

I found a cat two weeks ago after she walked into a mcdonalds I was eating in (not joking) lol. Im quite sure she wasn't a street or feral cat. She looked healthy and wasn't afraid of people whats so ever. I literally walker up to her, picked her up and carried her home. She purred the entire way.

Im taking her to her first vet appointment next week but I have this odd feeling that she's pregnant. She hasn't been outside since I got her two and a half weeks ago, but she's starting to gain a lot of weight in her tummy area.

Im not sure exactly how pink her nipples are supposed to get to determine if she's ready to start producing milk. Is my cat pregnant?


She is not your cat until you have tried to find her home. Call some shelters around the area and post to a ssitelike craigslist or Facebook (on the lost and found section for your area). Taking a cat that does not belong to you without finding its home, or trying to, is illegal.

Secondly, none of us will know if the cat is pregnant. Only the vet would know.


You just found a random cat in McDonald and now you're saying that's your cat? LOL


Why did you STEAL someone's cat. Its not a street cat and its not feral. its someone's pet and you stole it so you can sell ill bred mutt kittens. Take it back to where you found it and give it back to its owner or take it to a rescue and surrender it and tell them you stole the cat

J C2016-09-04T05:35:44Z

Have the vet shave her to look for a spay scar. And if she doesn't have one, schedule her spay ASAP. Be certain to have the vet scan her for a microchip, too as she may have an owner looking for her.


If it is not a street or feral cat then it is someones elses cat.