If it is still okay to use the word retarded, is is still okay to use the N word as it used to be acceptable?
DSM 5 (2013) ICD 10 (2015) as well as The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD formerly AAMR) have all dropped the term mental retardation as it is considered to be offensive.
The current accepted term in INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY. Intellectual disability and mental retardation do in fact mean the same exact thing.
This person seems to be saying that intellectual disability and retarded are not actually the same thing.
Recently, a person who lists herself as a medical professional with 42 years experience insisted that it is okay to use the offensive term retarded now, because she correctly used it appropriately for 42 years in the past.
By that reasoning, since the term retarded was acceptable in the past as was the N word, it would be acceptable to still use the N word.
Does this make any sense?