Advice to help concentrate toddler on session?

My 15 month old likes LR when i tell her about reading time, she concentrate as well but only in sessions that shows picture or video. She doesn't bother when it comes to pattern phonics or sight words dry . Same way, when a word comes in game session, she shows me whats that by acting out, but not pointing! (like when it ask for to point toward jump, she shows me how to jump but does not point to the word on screen). Is she really taking that words in by sight or just learning by hearing from me?

I am trying to read storybooks by taking her in my lap and reading it aloud, but she would just grab the book and start playing with it! i dont know how to make her sit and make her listen to what i read!

plz help me with this!


Favorite Answer

This child is just 15mts old. There is no reaon to expect this child to sit still for a certain amount of time. Most toddlers are always on the go. The only time they sit still is while in a car seat, sleeping or in a highchair while eating.


She needs short stories found in board books.
Make story time fun by changing your voice or facial expressions based on the book. But teaching her to read? Wait another three years.
