Favorite Answer
"The MRM 'community' loves Christina Hoff Sommers. Is there an MRA that is loved by the feminist 'community'?"
As already rightly mentioned by user Common Sense, it doesn't really work the other way around. And further to this point we can see that there are many ex-gender feminists that are now loved by the MRA, even as they identify themselves as equity feminists. But there are no ex MRA's that have become feminist.
Mainstream feminism has embraced the radical elements and become LESS about the ideals of equality. This is why we see many finally take the plunge away from the misandrist elements of gender feminism, and move to the more honorable and equitable MRA movement.
We already know about Christian Hoff Sommers, and in similar fashion, Warren Farrell, both high profile excommunicated feminists from the mainstream gender feminist movement. But little did I know about Karen DeCrow who, like Warren Farrell, served as president of the National Organization for Women, where she often broke with feminist orthodoxy.
The difference is that she never ruffled the feathers by taking a firm stance to the point where she represented a threat. She was on the record of refraining from criticizing many of the sexist feminist moves she disagreed with.
She recently passed on. Although, I do admire her convictions in sticking with a set of principles that echo a more honorable era of feminism. For anyone who is so interested it is a short read here:
CH Sommers is a professional concern troll. She's about as far from a feminist as one can get.
Common Sense
It doesn't really work the other way around. MRAs may focus on issues relevant to males, but unlike feminists they don't seek advantages for males, they seek equality. Therefore anyone who supports equality, even a feminist like Hoff-Sommers is basically promoting the same thing they are.
Mainstream feminists wanting to gain and maintain advantages for women however are in a very different position. Anyone advocating equality, feminist or not contradicts their agenda. They will often speak out against other feminists such as Hoff-Sommers who advocate equality. They certainly don't support MRAs. Feminists want nothing to do with gender equality. Gender equality would mean losing many of the hard fought for advantages feminists have won.
Mick Is Back
karen maybe sorta???