Is this a Good Reason for enlisting in Marine corps?

I am a 17 year old guy almost ready to live out a new world.

My reasons for enlisting is complicated. I want to join to serve my country and have a reputation as a soldier (its been something i always was passionate about since i was a kid.) When i started dating this girl for 2 years,during that time, she preety much discouraged me from joining because she wanted to be with me as much as i did. So i being the "in-love" idiot decided to drop the idea of my sense of militarism and concentrated on running my own business (took entrepreneurship/leadership classes, and did extremely well in them). I always felt interested in leadership positions, and with that came a sense of control and power, this affected my relationship.she broke up with me for terrible reasons (we both hated each other deeply afterwards and tried to hurt one another using out exs, ironically her ex is a marine, which makes me despise her even more).

I overall wanted to join the marine corps and do my time there as its something ive always been directing towards to. But now im not sure if its because of my ex i want to go. My sense of militarism came back and its more important to me than ever. She blocked me so i have no way of talking to her until a few days where we argued and she blocked me again. My other option was to go to a military college or do ROTC in my state University and go in as an army officer. What are your thoughts on the whole matter?

Sorry if this is a repeated question

