I need help?

Alright, so i love video games. I dont have an addiction to video games but i play often. Then my dad told me that i wont be playing video games for the weeks, only on the weekends on the weekend when i dont have school. Which was fine for me, for the first 3 days. I have started to feel more down and get nervous very easy. you see, i am having trouble in virtual school and video games help me feel better, its like a medicine for my nervousenes ( i think thats how you spell it). While i do spend more time with me parents, i still feel sad and depressed. I want to ask him to give me at least 2 hours to just take my mind off of things of school to my dad but he refused so now im stuck here, worrying about everything thats happening in my life. So, what can i do to make my father take away that rule, or something i can do to take my mind off the worries in my life. Virtual school is always making me nervous and i dont know what to do about it. Whats another good hobby to take my mind off of school to relax me, to stop the nervous feelings in my belly.

Rick B2017-05-03T17:35:46Z

Favorite Answer

Sounds like you need a pnother hobby. Go running. Ride a bike. Swim. Work out. Garden. Mow lawns for neighbors. Volunteer at an animal shelter. Paint. Draw. Do crossword puzzles. Read a book. Study. Play cards or board games. Do some puzzles. Paint. Draw. Learn to knit or crochet.

Even better, go HANG OUT WITH ACTUAL PEOPLE. You already avoid humans by going to a virtual school. You need social contact.

Take karate lessons. Join a volleyball league. Play baseball. Take a dance lesson. Learn to play an instrument.

There are a million things to do.


Exercise. Look up fitness blender on youtube. You won't be disappointed.