First day of summer school an I am ALL READY in trouble! All I did was toot, I couldn't help it! Things is so unfair for me in life!?
Are summer school teacher for English is a total anus hole, she is a whore an a slut an I hate her all ready. She is SO mean! She was taking role an when she called my name she was like "Arnold Shaffer, I've all ready herd all about you, you're about to be a freshmen for the 4th time. Have they tested you for being retarted?" OMG when she said that I just kept looking straight a head an tried not to let it get to me but the tears came rollin in an I started to cry. Then she was like "I have a report here that you are not to be let out of class for any reason whatsoever, so I suggest you go to the bathroom an get a drink an whatever you need to do before class. I also see that your a disruptive student..." an she was about to say something else but I couldn't help it I farted, long an loud. Her face got red an she totally blowed up. I sat their bawling an now I don't want to come back. My life is so unfair.