What grains did the Anglo-Saxons mostly farm and consume?


Informative sources will be preferable, because it will needed to be added to my research.

Gray Bold2017-07-25T23:27:06Z

Favorite Answer

Agriculture formed the bulk of the English economy at the time of the Norman invasion. Twenty years after the invasion, 35% of England was covered in arable land, 25% put to pasture, with 15% covered by woodlands and the remaining 25% predominantly being moorland, fens and heaths. Wheat formed the single most important arable crop, but rye, barley and oats were also cultivated extensively.


Wheat, barley, oats and rye. As you require 'informative sources' for your 'research' don't you think you should be researching this topic yourself rather than asking a bunch of anonymous strangers on Y!A? There are plenty of well researched books and websites available.


Wheat, barley and oats.


Spelt and Rye and barley for brewing there are hundreds of grains that have been developed over millennia since this was the dark ages with very little knowledge available you are pretty demanding google is there for every one to trawl through I haven't the time if you don't

