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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What do the BNP think about the Anglo Saxon invasion?

I am curious.


When the Anglo Saxons drove and pushed out the indigenous ppl of Britain.

Update 2:

What im trying to say is that most of the BNP are actually of Anglo Saxon descent-controversial statement? Making them immigrants to Britain themselves.

Update 3:


"What a ridiculous statement - I would assume the Anglo-Saxons having lived in the UK for more than 1400 years makes them 'native'."

Ok in 1400 years since asians/hispanics/blacks have immigrated to this country they will be 'native British' then under your rules. Im glad I have got the BNP supporters abit confused.

Update 5:

"Anglo-Saxons (or Anglo-Saxon) is the term usually used to describe the invading tribes in the south and east of Great Britain from the early 5th century AD, and their creation of the English nation, to the Norman conquest of 1066."

Update 6:

Ok Croxx your making some Valid points. All I am trying to say is that, there has been massive immigration to Britain throughout the ages and that the first ppl to settle in Britain were invaded by the Romans, Anglo Saxons, Normans, Vikings.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    During the 5th Angles, Saxons and Jutes invaded Britain. They pushed Britons into areas such as Cornwall, Scotland and Ireland. The point you make is correct. Archaeological evidence of this exists with regards to burial practises (cremation in Angle areas which was inhumation in the past) and material culture (brooches, jewellery, weapons, etc). You will not get a straight answer from BNP answer as it is 'not the same situation in the present day' yet it is more likely that these members are descendants of Angles, Saxons, Normans or Vikings rather than native Britons.

    Source(s): Anglo-Saxon archaeologist
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What a ridiculous statement - I would assume the Anglo-Saxons having lived in the UK for more than 1400 years makes them 'native'.

    Otherwise the world has no natives at all.

    Oh, the Anglo-Saxons invaded they did not 'immigrate' a big difference.

    Edit - So when the Saxon's 'immigrated' there was no Islam, no Sikhism etc etc. The Gupta empire ruled India, Jerusalem was Byzantine etc etc.

    Plus the UK was made up of many 'kingdoms'

    Edit - by your definition then half of Polynesia has no 'natives' then DOH - read some history!! All Muslim countries are then immigrant - Turkey, Palestine etc etc as that land is Byzantine!

    Put your brain in gear! As anyone trying to draw a comparison between the 5th & 21st century really does not have a clue!

    And yes by 3350 AD I would know anyone's family who has been living in the UK since say 1950 would be a 'native'.

  • 1 decade ago

    I suspect that deep down, they might follow the view that might is right.

    One of the reasons I dislike the BNP is the failure to accept that the UK has been based on immigration for many many years. Yes, before the Romans invaded, the UK was celtic in nature, but then the romans invaded and left their genetic legacy. Then the Anglo-Saxons invaded England with Scotland facing the ravages of Scandanavia. And of course, lets not forget the Normans in 1066 who invaded from France.

    Let alone the genes added from sailors sailing round Scotland after the failed Spanish Armada which are from Spain and other mediteranean nations.

    Immigration has made our country great, and will continue to do so (though a managed immigration policy is better than an unmanaged one). It is a shame the BNP have not been able to see that.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're history is out of date . The idea that the Anglo Saxons ethnically cleansed the whole of England has long been discredited ( it would of taken millions of them ) . certainly huge amounts of Germanic people did come over but they took political control over the indigenous population and assimilated them .

    Genetically nearly all indigenous British people share very similar DNA and we are most similar to other people on Europe's Atlantic coast . This however does not negate the fact that the English , Scottish and Welsh are three different ethnic/cultural groups .

    If you trying to raise the old chestnut about England being a nation of immigrants well I'm sorry to tell you it's a myth created by left wing apologists . The Normans were Germanic , the Vikings were Germanic , the Anglo Saxons were Germanic , the ancient Britons had a Celtic culture before that it was the stone age . After 1066 there were no immigrations big enough to effect the gene pool . Even the Hugino's who were French , French coming from Frank a Germanic tribe .

    Captain Starkiller ; The Normans were not French they were Norman . Norse men that settled in what later became part of France . Secondly the Roman ocupation left mainlt cultural baggage . The Roman Empire worked by taking over the pollitical power a natural resorces of the places the conquered . Not by mass immigration . You're talkibg about things you know nothing about again . Get a history book .

    Source(s): Historical fact .
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  • 1 decade ago

    The archaeological evidence is that the Anglo-Saxons were only like overlords, and the rest were still mainly indigenous Celtic Britons. How does this differ exactly from EU rule?! lol

  • 1 decade ago

    What point are you trying to make asking these pointless queries of us?. It would seem that you are clutching at straws in an attempt to obtain quotable errors from our members. There is no current anglo-saxon invasion so your question should appear in the `History` Category. As to historical questions, how are they relevant to the modern BNP? It's the invasion happening AS WE SPEAK that should command your attention, instead of scoring cheap meaningless points against a serious political party who are concerned about serious and dangerous happenings, which you are content, in your blindness, to ignore.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Idiot. the angles and the saxons were 2 seperate groups of people that interbred. There was no anglo- saxon invasion you don't know what you are talking about.

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    unhappy people mate whose lives lack a undeniable high quality. To stay your one existence in the international with hate on your coronary heart is one in each of these waste. there is physically powerful and undesirable in all, yet racists choose to blame each little thing on everybody else. enable them to get on with it mate. they are able to all pass to their conferences, save on with their very own and sense good. something individuals gets on and have a look at to make this international a extra physically powerful place.

  • 1 decade ago

    Excerpts from "The True Born Englishman" by Daniel Defoe:

    "Thus from a mixture of all kinds began,

    That het'rogeneous thing, an Englishman:

    In eager rapes, and furious lust begot,

    Betwixt a painted Britain and a Scot.

    Whose gend'ring off-spring quickly learn'd to bow,

    And yoke their heifers to the Roman plough:

    From whence a mongrel half-bred race there came,

    With neither name, nor nation, speech nor fame.

    In whose hot veins new mixtures quickly ran,

    Infus'd betwixt a Saxon and a Dane.

    While their rank daughters, to their parents just,

    Receiv'd all nations with promiscuous lust.

    This nauseous brood directly did contain

    The well-extracted blood of Englishmen."

    "The wonder which remains is at our pride,

    To value that which all wise men deride.

    For Englishmen to boast of generation,

    Cancels their knowledge, and lampoons the nation.

    A true-born Englishman's a contradiction,

    In speech an irony, in fact a fiction.

    A banter made to be a test of fools,

    Which those that use it justly ridicules.

    A metaphor invented to express

    A man a-kin to all the universe."

    The BNP can get stuffed. Have a nice day.

  • 1 decade ago

    They forget that because the UK is an island since the beginning of man it has had immigration and emigration. I notice they dont have much views on Britons emigration to Spain, Canada and the Rest of the world.

    But seeing as the majority of their followers come out with the statement 'I'm moving to Spain because i'm sick of the foreigners in Britain' I doubt you will get an intelligent answer.

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