How do we show love for God?


You love God by loving others, plain and simple. "He who does not love the one he CAN see, cannot claim to love God whom he can NOT see."

Hi T2017-10-09T12:06:20Z

By acting according to His Holy Word the Bible. And by obeying His will, which we know by reading and studying His word. But we can't do this in our own strength, as we are all sinners, and we all have a natural tendency towards sinfulness. So we need the help of God the Holy Spirit, who lives within the life of a born again believer.
What does God require of us according to His word? To walk humbly with our God and to love justice and mercy. That is to show love and mercy with justice towards others.


GOD'S word the bible gives us the answer. At 1 John 5:3 it says " For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome". This simply means that we consistently observe all of Gods commands, not pick and choose the one easiest for us.

🤔 Jay2017-10-09T11:53:22Z

As judged and decided by a clergy..... "Donate until it hurts".

Then donate some more... God always needs money...
God loves money....


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