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what are ways to show love to God?

i am having a difficult time in showing love to God because of lack of self-control. please help. thank you

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    To show love to others.

    On the Day of Judgment, Jesus said the world will be divided into two camps. The lost on the left, Jesus says, "I was hungry and you did not feed Me. I was thirsty and you did not give Me drink. I was sick and in prison and you did not visit Me." And, the lost will say, "Lord, when were You hungry and we did not feed You, or thirsty and we did not give You drink, or sick or in prison and we did not visit You? If we knew You needed these things, we would have done them for You." And, Jesus will reply, "When you did not do these things to the least of My brethren, you did not do it to Me."

    To the saved on the right, Jesus will say, "I was hungry and you fed Me. I was thirsty and you gave Me drink. I was sick and in prison and you visted Me." And, the saved will say, "Lord, when were You hungry and we fed You, or thirsty and we gave You drink, or sick or in prison and we visited You? We helped a lot of people, but we don't remember You." And, Jesus will reply, "When you did these things to the least of My brethren, you did them to Me."

    Source(s): Matt. 25:31-46
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a secular humanist so my point of view may or may not have meaning to you, but let me throw these ideas out there for you.

    God requires faith to follow as there is no true quantifiable proof of His existence. Biblically speaking actions alone mean nothing, but those actions demonstrate your faith. If you 'truly' believe in God, such belief will dictate your actions - you will demonstrate self control.

    To help illustrate my point: My neighbor makes me crazy. I have the option to kill my neighbor, but taking such an option means dealing with the authorities. I might try to convince myself I can get away with it, but people think that all the time and end up in jail. There is evidence to support my concern here so faith is not necessary. Action, or self-control, is easy.

    God asks you to conduct yourself a certain way. There is no evidence to support that God is actually there, so faith is required. This makes action difficult because your faith may not exceed your desire.

    The question you should be asking is why does my faith not exceed my desire, so that I might practice better self-control and love God?

    Another point of view:

    Why show love to God at all? Instead I propose you show love for those around you. Your neighbor is there, your fellow denizens of the city are there, your coworker is there. No faith required, and everyone can benefit from having someone else truly caring about them. Once you get that part down, maybe you will find that loving God comes much easier.

  • Sometimes I am also lacking self control..

    Yes, patience is sometimes difficult to apply in times of needing to express something, in letting it out..But, we can compensate that with some other good attitudes we have hopefully..We can reflect later and gradually be aware, that it can be overcomed somehow or in someway.

    We can show love to God by repenting too, If ever it had unpleasantly affected something or even someone and oneself either. Then trying to improve some of our flaws that can cause harm and make us feel uneasy later on..

    First we start to it little by hold our patience..

    Then to show more some affections to those who need it instead..and a little prayer.

    From there you may find it within yourself. Ways that you may improve and change for the better.

    It is already one way of an expression of your love to God..

  • :)(:
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I'm not a good child of God; not even to my parents as I caused them a lot of pain, and I still do it.

    We may always have difficult times. Probably God (as any parent)appreciates when we do recognise our mistakes and we try our best, when we keep alive our soul by honesty & love, and we do act in consequences - through Honesty & Love?

    Think to the other ones around you, you are not alone & you'll never be. Whatever you do, it shall take a connection to someone life.

    IF you lie when you sell something, when you talk to someone giving an advice (?) ... Whatever you do try to be from the heart, something GOOD!

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  • 1 decade ago

    All of the world's religions and especially the world's three major monotheistic faiths, can have their meaning summed up very simply.

    That which you would not have done to you, do not do to others.

    Another way this is said is , "Do unto other as you would have them do unto you."

    One, thereby, clearly demonstrates his or her love of God by loving all of God's creation and God created all that exist.

    Whenever you find yourself not doing this, take the time to calm your mind, to breathe and offer a prayer to God, that He will guide you on the straight path and that He will teach your heart to truly love all others.

    Then, pick yourself you, emotionally, physically and spiritually, remembering that you are no greater or better than anything else and that, as a part of God's creation, you are also a part of everything else and your only goal is to return to God and then open your heart.

    Be well and be blessed.

  • 1 decade ago

    The great Russian writer, Leo Tolstoy, shows us how to do that in this short story found on the internet at:,...

    It was a powerful influence to me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The best way to show Love for God is to show Love, compassion and forgiveness towards your fellow human beings.

  • 1 decade ago

    one way of showing love to God is following the ten commandments

    Source(s): theBIBLE
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