is presenting ourselves as spiritual guides, gurus etc false, a manipulation?
I have noticed on social networks , guys saying they are kinda life coaches,gurus ,or advertising themselves under spiritual guidance platform. furthermore, do trustworthy teachers really believe in themselves so much , that they want more followers?Quantity or quality?
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I think presenting oneself as some sort of perfect, flawless, superior being..? Is manipulative and exploitative as f*ck, yes. And people like that are usually filled with nothing but ego. No matter how much they might like to think otherwise... :S
However: presenting yourself as a teacher, who can show people certain things, while also recognizing the fact that you're just another flawed and f*cked up human, with plenty of your own issues..? I've got respect for. And I'm quite open to learning from humble people like that.. Some people HAVE gotten further than me, when it comes to certain things, certain practices, and certain realizations! That's a fact! And if some of these people would like to teach me..? Then I'm ALL for it. But just.. don't pretend to be perfect, or all "holier-than-thou", or ask for me to kiss your @ss and suck your toenails. :-P
It makes you the same kind of crooked charlatan as those crooked pastors Fireball refers to here. they sell a load of lies, and demand a lot of cash for doing so. Fraud on that scale should certainly be illegal. Nobody who claims to "teach" spiritual anything is being honest, especially those greedy preachers.