Besides rice, what else is good to eat with meat and fish?

Free Advice2019-08-27T23:58:25Z

salad and vegetables they ARE NOT CARBS LIKE RICE.


Wheat and brown bread.


salad and vegetables


Besides rice? Why rice? White rice especially is filled with empty calories, very little nutritional value. Much like potatoes that have the same shortfall.

When I cook for myself, about five days out of seven, I do a two-plate meal (TPM).

I put veggies in the bottom of a bowl, drop mouth-size chunks of meat or fowl atop the veggies, add some butter atop the meat, place a flat plate over the bowl with the veggies and meat/fowl and zap the two plates in the microwave oven on Reheat.

Let the TPM sit a bit after the oven turns off and then open up the TPM and enjoy the fully cooked meat and veggies in the bowl. No starch, low carb, hot and steamy meal and the veggies are flavored with the broth that drips from the meat/fowl during cooking.

Veggies I've cooked by TPM include: mini carrots, Brussels spouts, sliced beets, and chunks of butter squash.

Meat chunks done by TPM: prime rib eye, chicken, hamburger (patty).

I have not done fish as I'm not a fish eater in general.


Salad or potato.

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