What does your life look like now? ?

I live in the country. I’m still working (on a farm so I see almost no one anyways). Still pretty much only hang out with my dog and ride my horses and go on trail rides and fish. 
Only thing that is different for me is that the interstate is empty most of the time, theirs not really any plane tracks in the sky and I don’t go to Walmart anymore or see my friends on the weekends. Everything’s really different, but as far as what my life looked like before social distancing, nothings really changed. How’s life everywhere else? I feel like the more populated areas with less outdoor centered people are feeling all of this more? 


My life is great because I am a rich idiot who lives on a large spaceship orbiting Uranus.

Cowboy Jacob2020-04-20T12:38:19Z

Im still working myself to.  Riding my horses, going on trail rides, relaxing and smoking my pipes with good pipe tobacco. 


Quarantine. Boredom. So read the Quran more.

THE BANNIBAL ONE2020-04-19T19:29:20Z

I'm retired so nothing changed.

All my friends are gone.

I walk to the store.

The only thing different,I wear a mask.


I moved to a new place in the city. Much nicer then my other place. I can fit a piano here too. Ive unfortunately done a bit of a drug binge for like 3 weeks. But Ive gotten things done. Place is clean. Read psychotherapy books. In the middle of a old text Im starting think its out dated. Re-learning bass. Working on grounding techniques. Working of mindfulness exercises. Sokuko for my focus. Memory cards to repaire damage from medical negligence. Been practising  my vocals. Also got yodelling/keeling nearly down. Just got my missing cord in for my dvd player so soon should be exercising. Its been eventful and used to the fullest but has gone on too long need to stop after tomorrow anyway. Just focusing on self improvement.

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