PLS, tell me your most recommend diet!!?

Now, I'm doing diet. I have been fasting all day. It's unhealthy.
So, I want to know healthy diet!! (I wish, I want to know diet easy to continue...💦)


Any diet is "easy" if you understand and accept that food is fuel.  If you eat low-nutrient, higher-calorie, higher-carb foods, you're more likely to be overweight and be in a cycle of hunger and cravings.  If you fuel your body with high-nutrient foods that deliver essential fatty acids, essential amino acids, and vitamins and minerals, you will likely be satisfied and your desire to overeat and or have cravings will diminish.

All day fasting, particularly if you're diet is full of carbs, will be very painful and unhelpful.  Start with a keto diet (lots of vegetables, small amounts of good fats, and adequate protein."  When you have that down, you can look into intermittent fasting.

The key is mindset. Stop looking at diet as a quick fix that is so restrictive you'd can't keep it up and start looking at diet as a lifestyle where you make choices about what is good for your body and your goals and what isn't. 


Everyone is different. That's why there's so many different "this works" diets out there.
The most universal that works is the 'small portions, several times a day' to kick start your metabolism