Does lighting a candle for a dead person who's family is angry at you make everything better?

I lit a candle at Lourdes to honor all the students who passed away at my HS. The picture of the candle was posted on the high school's FB site. A friend of a late alumni saw the candle and was inspired to reach out to the mother of this deceased student and comfort her mother. I did not contact the mother or the friend in question. I played no role in her decision to reach out to the mother. The mother and the family were really angry at me and they hate me. I didn't mean to harm them. Because of my candle, the mother was comforted. Does the candle and the kind act it brought, make everything better again?  I do not feel I can forgive myself until this is forgiven by the family.


i would hope it does


I am just going to add to Kieth a little and mention that he is right - let them be angry at you. That is their problem.

But, YOU lighting a candle in this person's memory - I am finding out recently that there are people who live and die with very few people to offer any remembrance at all. If you are so kind as to care that this person was born and existed with life on this huge planet of millions, PLEASE DO.

I live in California, and was actually baptized Catholic, even though now I do not go. BUT I visit the California Missions, which are still active Catholic churches. And when I am there, I light a candle at each church in memory of friends who have died. They may not have been believers, let alone Catholic, but my goal is to offer remembrance to them who had lived with no one to care once they are dead and gone from other's lives. A kindness is a kindness, whether received with joy or received with hate. Do the kindness and light the candle. Put the kindness and memory in your own heart. You need no longer contact the surviving family, sometimes a "one-way relationship" in thinking kindly of this person all alone is a way to allow their spirit to have hope. Some people die and stay ghosts instead of "moving on" because their soul feels only remorse. Having one person light a candle in kindness is one light of hope for them on the other side. Do light your candle and offer your friend a kindness to balm their soul for regrets they have of this life they had led. Always offer kindness. {{hugs}} from a stranger on the internet and may peace come to your soul.


If it works for you, fine. Let them be angry, it doesn't have to affect you.