Is it safe to walk in Los Angeles past 12am?

For example, I live in Pasadena. At 12am I plan on walking for a combined four to six hours, possibly to two or three different cities and back. My stepdad works at home starting at 6-8am depending on the mood.

Technically I am required to "sleep" at 12 but if he's in bed at, say, 12:30, usually he won't know, so long as I keep quiet.


I'm trying to lose weight


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OK, first, Pasadena is not LA. Second, very few males are killed randomly. Most killings are drug dealers and gangs. If you stay out of gang territory, you should be safe enough. That said, this is a very strange activity. 


Is there any particular reason you'd go for this unusually long walk to other cities in the early morning hours??  I don't think it's safe to walk anywhere between the hours of 12 and 6 a.m. 

Pearl L2021-03-19T04:06:25Z

depends on how bad your neighborhood is


Generally not safe. There are men who are raped in the park in a city of USA  in the afternoon.