Could I sue the government and win for liposuction and a tummy tuck? ?

I live in Ontario where we like to force silly lockdowns for a fictional virus, during these several ridiculous lockdowns I’ve gone through and was treated for severe depression, being unable to leave my house with depression lead me to weight gain and now they want to throw us into another lockdown.. My stomach grew an extra 20 lbs and I’ve started loosing most of it since the last lockdown ended but I have loose skin around my stomach now. With the next lockdown coming I don’t know what I’m going to do, this has taken a toll on my mental and physical health, I normally live an active lifestyle but now I’m confined to live in one room as that’s what I can afford to rent, not even a full apartment just one room in someone else’s house and with the price of food rising I can’t afford to eat healthy anymore either.. do you think I can get them to pay for liposuction and a tuck for causing this? 


These are not choices, if I could go out and do things, and buy the food I would regularly buy then I would. The government doesn’t allow anyone for inessentials unless they work for the government 


Not sure about Ontario, but in the USA anyone can hire a lawyer and file a lawsuit for anything. it doesn't mean they have a chance to win, just that they have a right to hire a lawyer and go to court.

Your frustrations at what our governments are doing is understandable, but the virus is real.. I keep telling myself that our government leaders are just humans and are not perfect... But when they act like they are infallible it does raise the blood pressure.

If it were legal to place a bet here I would bet 100 (US) that you won't find a lawyer willing to take the case, and if you do you don't stand a snow balls chance in ---- of winning. 


By all means go ahead and sue. No excuse needed to justify your actions.
I doubt you will lose any loose skin but you will definitely lose money fighting the court case.


There is such a thing called self-control and self-discipline. You are an adult and therefore need to take self-responsibility for your own personal life. 


In no way of demeaning what you are going through but there are millions of people in the very same boat you are in.  The whole world is suffering from these lockdowns & it takes it tow in different ways with different people.

No, I don't think you can get a liposuction or tuck at the cost of the Government.  It is considered to be cosmetic surgery & not a life threatening thing.  You are on your own with no help from anyone, just like the rest of the World.  Sorry it is effecting you this way but there are millions with similar issues.


Yes, but to do so you would need to hire a lawyer and pay them upfront.  Good Luck.

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