My child hears voices in her head. Is this normal?

She said some of the voices are her voice and some voices are not her voice. She said she can not determine if the voice that is not hers is someone else or her making the voice for someone else.  She is a teenager.  Is this normal?  


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I HIGHLY suggest you do your OWN thorough research into this before listening to people here on Yahoo answers who tell you to rush your daughter to a shrink who can put her on psych drugs which, as somebody who has taken enough of them can tell you, can PERMANENTLY DAMAGE the human brain and cause damage to the body as well.  And I'm not joking. These drugs did tremendous damage to me and I'll never take them again. Really destroyed the quality of my life. I could write a novel about it. There can be causes for auditory hallucinations which do not indicate schizophrenia and even if it WAS schizophrenia, this is a condition that has been proven to go into remission and often never return UNLESS powerful neurotoxic psych drugs are given which often makes such remission impossible. Go on Dr. Peter Breggin's website, he's an actual psychiatrist who has treated many people for mental health issues, even conditions like schizophrenia, with NO psychiatric drugs because he is an expert on these drugs and considers them EXTREMELY dangerous. You can also check out this website i just came across. I'm sure there are others. Do your due diligence and RESEARCH before you condemn your daughter to a lifetime of neurological damage from Big Pharma psychiatric drugs. She'll thank you some day. Also when you Google, don't go on the mainstream websites always many of which are put up by psychiatric associations and the pharmaceutical companies. Go on websites such as, and others to find out what the REAL story with these psychiatric drugs is and why some psychiatrists (the humane ones) will NOT use them. The way health insurance payments from the insurance companies to these psychiatrists is structured, they MAKE MORE MONEY by prescribing psych drugs during their consultations than just sitting down with your daughter and getting to know her and treating her like a human being. You need to be aware of this.


It means she's a creative writer. All movie screenwriters and novelists get their start with other worlds and fictitious characters dancing around in their heads.


Of course it is not "normal." But that doesn't mean it's a bad thing, either. How you and her decide what to do about the "problem" will affect her life. Seek out a spiritually awakened person to interpret this.


It is serious enough to have her visit a professional psychologist to determine what's going on.  Many people live with schizophrenia and have pretty normal lives, but depending on the intensity of the symptoms some do struggle.  

One of the most important things to do for your daughter now is to encourage her and take her to a professional, and then always be respectful to her even if she is having an episode. IF, and its still only an if, she is diagnosed please remember that such an affliction is no ones fault, not yours and certainly not your daughters. Be there for her, she will need you.

THE BANNIBAL ONE2021-04-04T23:49:52Z

No it doesn't seem normal.
I would take her to a therapist.
They can help.

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