Since Yahoo! Answers is being retired where do we all go for marriage advice, support, and venting?

Undervalued here, or UV as the old locals called me, and as my final Y!A question before this part of Yahoo! is deleted or archived, I wanted to update everyone on my marriage then ask for resources.

After 12 years posting on here, I've come to a pretty acceptable explanation why my marriage has been unplrasant for me - we had different peer preasures. I am a guy living in what's left of the patriarchal "man of the house" era. My wife is a girl living in the new matriarchal social justice warriror era. She is supported by women everywhere to gain power over men, I was a man who refused to submit and wanting submission from her. That's the best way to sum up the last 12 years. A struggle over power and dominant culture.

I guess that actually makes me kind of a jerk though. Kind of along the same lines as me being white should make me ashamed of my race and how white people treated people of color in the past. But I don't think I did anything wrong, I just held my beliefs so I couldn't be treated inferior. Seems fair to me.

Today our marriage is "OK". We live our independent lives and neither of us expect much from each other. It works but it also doesn't. Romance, sex, and feelings are long dead right now but it could improve some day. I believe it will get better, I just need to change. Change isn't easy though, I fought it for 12 years. But maybe it's finally time...

So yeah, with Y!A going away, where is everyone going to get their advice/vent/drama/support now? Quora?

Andrew Smith2021-04-07T08:49:28Z

Most divorces come from power struggles.  You should not be subservient to a wife and she should not be subservient to you.  You want submission?  That is an HUGE mistake.  I haven't investigated but the word is that REDDIT is the right place for venting and drama.
Fighting change for 12 years is like fighting getting older for 12 years.  It achieves nothing.  Or less than nothing.  As witnessed by the lack of romance.
True marriages are marked by compromise.  Most of the women I know only need a husband to make a reasonable effort and they are content.  There are ratbags also.  But I think feminist ratbags are not all that common among married women.  They don't tend to get married in the first place. Anyone who thinks the sun shines out of their posterior regions is hardly likely to want to be an equal partner with anyone else.


If relationship is getting worse over the years, you're going into the wrong direction. 
Marriage is a not war to fight... it's a partnership. An exciting sexy game with rules parties accept, otherwise you can't play it!

Partnership has common goals.
More goals, less interpersonal problems. 
More better problems to solve. 

Couple's problems often begin when there's no "enemy" on the outside, when there is no other job to do... when children are at school/home all day or moved out....
 in 2020 during lockdown and quarantine many got a taste of what a typical retirement life might look like for them.... 

Fear, boredom, restrictions, uncertainty  forces people turn towards each other. 

When people feel lack of dreams and goals..  they begin to look for their dreams&goals, and search for enemies in one another. 

This is why many interpersonal problems dissappear during WAR. 
War unites people like nothing else. 
When people know who their enemy is, they don't have time for pitty fights. 
They have more meaningful fights.
They appreciate each other more and value  lives! They back each other up, not destroy. 
People listen and cooperate much easier and faster when they have one common Goal.

I don't know where you should go.
Update your post. I would like to know what books you have read about marriage and relationships.

Dr. Stephanie2021-04-07T02:01:29Z

Not here. There are numerous websites that offer advice upon request. As for "venting"? Probably not. If you've been asking for advice for over twelve years and your marriage issues haven't been fully resolved...well, what else can I say that would make any difference. Good luck.  


It's mostly just 12 and 13-year olds here. Please tell me you do NOT come here for advice or support.
If you need advice or support, talk to a therapist.