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My Watch List - limited to 100 ??

It seems there's some sort of maximum of 100 entries in My Watch List !?!?

Sure, I can add more - it was up to about 160 at one time, but every time within 12-24 hours I find it has been reduced back to just 100. :-((

If I exceed that, I can log out then return and it's still over. And I've established that it doesn't get set back at midnight PST (which I thought a possibility).

It SEEMS that perhaps the first time I log in after around 5am-11am PST THAT'S when I find it's been cut back.

Has anyone ANY clues as to what's going on here ???

(I like to keep all questions that I've answered, and are still unresolved, on my Watch List so I can keep track of the outcomes - hence the large number).


PLEASE people - I don't want discussion about whether I should or shouldn't WANT 100 items.

I'm asking IF that is a limit, and if so exactly how does it apply. Answers Help does not seem to mention it.

(Only IF I know what the rules are, then I can play by them).

7 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer


    I think that the "Watch list" is not meant for what you are using it for. To keep track of the questions you have answered, you can directly go to the "My answers" page.

    I think that the "Watch list" feature is there for keeping track of the latest answers to the questions you don't know the answers to and/or are really interested to see the correct and most handy answers.

    To watch your own questions and answers, you can always go to "My Questions" and "My Answers".


    Oh, Sorry, I realize that you were just trying to find out the limitations and regulations. Well, I guess there is no written rule about the maximum number of questions in a watch list. I think you should wait for the Yahoo! Answers Team's response on this one.

    I can only deduct that the 'Watch list' becomes 'full' after a certain period of time and gets rid of the chronologically older questions automatically. Maybe there is a time limit for how many days you can keep a inactive (resolved) question in your watch list after which, it automatically gets removed if your watch list has more a CERTAIN number of questions.

    OR maybe

    It is just a bug.

  • 2 decades ago

    Stand by--we'll give you the answer when the Team reassembles tomorrow after our U.S. President's Day holiday.

    EDIT: There is no limit on the number of Watch List items.

  • 2 decades ago

    Are you aware that you already have a list of all the questions you've answered without having to put them on your Watch List? Click on My Q&A, then scroll down to where it says "more..." under My Answers. It's all there, an unlimited list.

  • 2 decades ago

    If that is the number that it gets reduced to I guess that is the limit. Why there isn't a stated limit for that part of Q&A exists I don't know.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Why in the world do you have more than 100 items on your watch list???

  • 2 decades ago

    under my q&a are all your "questions and answers" why would you wanna keep them in watch list????? your like on over 2000 points id suppose youd know this by now?

    maybe send an email to yahoo to get your limit expanded?

  • Dr Dee
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Isn't 100 enough? I think its more than enough.

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