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How can I inexpensively market / advertise my recently published fiction book?

I recently had a short fiction novel published. I would like to try and find an inexpensive way to market it?

2 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    A few ideas:

    - Give readings/signings at your local bookstores and/or library

    - Attend relevant conventions, conferences and workshops

    - Offer to give readings/talks at local schools/colleges/universities, if appropriate

    - Send a press release to local papers, the papers of schools you attended, etc.

    - publish an interesting blog about your writing, your book, other things that you read, etc., etc., and include links in the sidebar to your book on Amazon, etc.

    - Have an author's website with sample chapters from the books, interesting background info, links to related research or whatever else you might find appropriate

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