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i need serious help...can you help me?

i tried to order something online from NERDS.NET... i paid over 30.00 dollars for overnight shipping... they werent able to send it out on time, but still charged me... i never recieved my product... they still havent credited my account... what are my options? they gave me some excuse that the product was undeliverable, which was obviously a lie.


i need more specifics, then just "suing" them.

Update 2:

i need numbers of government type agencies in the united states that i can contact that might be able to help me with this.

Update 3:

how do i invoice them?

Update 4:

this is the most read topic on all of yahoo answers. thats why i put it up under here

7 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Keep calling customer service for a bit, every day is best. If you still can't reach a resolution, I can think of two places you could go (there are almost certainly more). You can try the Better Business Bureau, or you could try your Attorney General's office. Either one would either be able to help you or give you information on your situation. You may end up being able to sue them, but I doubt you're going to want to do that.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    You call your card company and file a claim - the card company will reimburse your card and take back the money from the company.

    If you sent them a money order, then there is nothing you can do - you are out that cash.

    NEVER EVER make a purchase online without using a Visa or Mastercard to help protect you against fraud.

  • 2 decades ago

    see apart frm sueing them..or whatever what u could do is that ...u must be hving a saved doc..that u shpped with them...or some verification done etc...with that u could take them to the cops as u hve a proff....

    secondly, if ur credit card is also showing the amt gone out...u hve the proof...dont wait...take a legal action ...if NERD.COM 'S customer care isnt helping you..

    hope it wrks out buddy

  • 2 decades ago

    the above answers are good....but i got just one question of my own....why did u class this question under "Singles & Dating"?....just wondering...anyway..hope u get ur money back....follow the above people's advice and just go to the police and file a case against them!!

    Source(s): thanks for the 2 pts :p
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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    just invoice them for the the money

  • 2 decades ago

    Sue them

  • 2 decades ago

    Aniy is right

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