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Chronic constipation and potty training?

The pediatrician is not concerned in the least, and it is past time to begin potty training. My child has to drink prune/apple juice and lots of water every day just to have a very small bowel movement every couple of days. He is a vegetarian, who doesn't like cheese either. So he eats mostly fruits, vegetables and whole grains (we regularly buy them). The only protein he gets is from milk, yogurt and legumes. I don't know, but I feel that the constipation can't be normal. I wonder if there is something we need to do to get it checked out medically. I am also concerned that if there is nothing medically wrong (that it's just the way he is), that the potty training is going to be difficult for him. I have two older children, so I know how to potty train, but I think it is going to be hard for him to accomplish it. Any advice would be welcome.


This child is 34 months old, and he is a vegetarian by choice (he doesn't like meat - we eat meat as a family, and he chooses not to).

8 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh boy, I read some of the answers, not much good help here. I think at this point I would by-pass the pediatrician and make an appointment with a gastroenterologist. I feel there is more to it then not eating meat. You say he drinks a lot, so that is not the problem. Depending on how long you have been giving him some stimulants his system will start to depend on the stimulant. Please take him to a doctor.

  • 2 decades ago

    How old is this child? For some kids it is normal to only go every few days. Is this child in pain or straining to get out what he does? If not, I would say that he probably isn't constipated. If you are still concerned though, ask your ped about MIRILAX. It is a prescription fiber that completely dissolves in a glass of juice - it completely dissolves, so there is no taste to it. It will really make your child regular and it is not habit forming or dangerous.

    Source(s): Been There
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    My 11-twelve months-old step-son used to have this difficulty at that age too. Now that we seem decrease back on it, we expect of it had lots to do with potty training. He hated the sensation of #2 and did no longer like the certainty that we'd have enjoyed him to wipe himself, so he might carry it so long it would make him constipated. It replaced into this style of undesirable cycle. The document pronounced that he replaced into pissed off by using fact we've a mixed kinfolk (his parents have been by no skill married, yet married individuals.) and can have been feeling stressful approximately it or no longer having any administration over what he had to do, so he controlled between the few issues he might desire to: bathing room time. We finally had to get into the habit of telling him each and every hour or in an attempt to bypass to the bathing room. We did no longer even ask if he mandatory to. He grew out of it is going to certainly, despite the fact that it replaced into this style of problematical time. sturdy luck.

  • jymsis
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    First of all, you're letting a 3 year old "Choose" not to get any protein? He's constipated because you are letting him make all his own decisions. It's too much pressure.

    He needs to be a kid. You're the parent. Don't make him run his own show at this young age. You make the decisions and let him be a little boy.

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  • 2 decades ago

    The fact that your child is a vegitarian..and still potty training is sad. When an adult forces there stupid eating habits on their doubt that issuses will arise. I'm would not be surprised of he either becomes homosexual..or a mass murderer. Feed the kid meat!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Acquiring your toddler out of nappies depends on whether or not a consistent technique is get. Consequently, if she is at nursery or with a child minder, nanny or relatives, every person needs to get the exact same strategy.

    To discover how to potty train your youngsters in only 3 days you will need to have this program

    This valuable program assists you in minimizing the require of changing dirty diapers repeatedly. Following employing this program your kid would be totally potty trained. It also assists in rising the self-self-confidence of your child, which is essential for his improvement.

    This plan is the ideal plan for Those mother and father who can devote 3 days for potty train of their little one. They only need to be calm, tolerant and patient and follow this guide.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Well, if your paediatritian isnt worried, then neither should you be.

    Might be his diet, it might just be that its not something he can physically do normally, doctors cant do much for wee ones due to allergy's and risking overdosing and also kids just cant cope with drugs the way we can, plus do you really think you're kid wants to have to go through invasive procedures at such a young age?

    Just keep your patience, my nephew had something similar, and we left him to it, eventually it became normal.

    Have him drink tonnes of water.

  • 2 decades ago

    Maybe it's IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)? I know some people with this have it with just constipation, and others have both constipation and diahrrhea. I don't know if IBS is diagnosed on children though... just a suggestion.

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