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At what age did you lose your virginity? Did you regret it later on in life? Why or why not?

I see so many young teens on here afraid thier pregnant, or asking riddiculous questions about sex. I'm curious as to when these young people are becomming sexualy active, and if it is in fact younger than generations before them. Please list your current age if you feel comfortable doing so.

I'll begin. I was 15 when I lost my virginity, I was in a 'relationship' with a nice boy, so it wasn't a bad experince for me. I don't exactly regret it, but it probably would have been better, had I waited. I am 26 now.


Girls and guys all welcome to answer.

34 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've noticed it too.

    I saw a question the other day of a girl asking what STDs straight people get. I was completely mystified by the question! But what even moreso amazed me were the answers ridiculous, and something like "straight people only get chlymadia", "birth controls pills prevent all disease", "only gay guys get AIDs".

    I had sex for the first time when I was 18, but I had PLENTY of knowledge, physically, spiritually, and mentally, and I understood the consequences. I don't regret anything - infact I feel it was the best time for me.

    I'm 23 now, and I'm quite concerned for the future of our young people asking questions like, "can I still get pregnant if I'm standing while having sex?"

  • 2 decades ago

    As a woman, I am proud to say that I was 18 years old when I lost my virginity.I felt that it was my time the time it happened, not saying it was special the 1st time but I think I respect sex more than the young kids that do it just because they feel it will make them popular.I feel it is for adults not for children.I am 26 now and it is fun to do as long as you know the meaning of pleasure and self respect.Too many babies bringing babies in the world.That most don't have the knowledge of becoming a mother or father.I am not saying there aren't youngsters that can't raise babies,but sex is something everybody should know the outcome of sex if not using protection.

  • 2 decades ago

    I was 17. I regret it because I was not in a relationship with the guy. I basically just used him for sex because I wanted to lose my virginity and then I stopped calling him. If I had waited a few more months I could have lost it to someone I loved. I am 22 now.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I lost mine at 15...yes I do regret it and I think a lot of women do. In high school, women (the ones I know and have told me) have sex to be accepted, loved, becasue everyone else is, whatever, but rarely because they are horny or that they crave it. Men have sex becasue they have a higher sex drive (most but not all), it is more socially accepted for men to have many partners and most can seperate love from sex, while most women can not. If I could turn back time, I would have saved myself for marriage. My body, I now realize, is mine and mine alone. Not something to give freely to any tom, dick, or harry. And I realize now that I didn't have to have sex with guys to be accepted.

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I was 14. It was the first for the love of my life and myself, so I don't regret doing it! We took it easy. We of course are no longer together, as I am 40 now. I do wish sometimes that I would have waited because I really didn't understand the whole concept then, if ya know what I mean.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I unfortunately had my virginity taken when i was very young... however when on my own.. i became sexually active at the age of 12 (i was in a relationship w/this person). I think a lot of ppl my age were (having sex at that age, that is).. anyway i'm 20 now and i dont regret it. I am the person i am today wether it was good or bad things that happened to me.

  • 2 decades ago

    I was 17, a student in college and just got wrapped up in the emotions. Yes I regret it, becuase I gave something beautiful to a beautiful woman but she was not nor is she now my wife. I enjoy sex very much, but I cant help but to think about how much more wonderful it would be if I would have waited until I was married, my grandfather waited and he had a very pleasurable sex life until his wife passed away. I trully believe that if we save ourselves for marriage, that we can reverse the trend of divorces in our country, and increase the amount of happy two parent families.

  • 2 decades ago

    i was raped when i was 5 but when i had sex at my own free will i was 13. i think the only reason i done it was because after being raped when i was 5 and being told it was my fault i felt like i was doing something to bring it on myself. yes i regret it very much, because i wish i had been a virgin when i got married like God intended it to be. if kids would just stop and think about how precious their virginity is and how wonderfull it would be to share that with the person they marry i think some kids would stop. by the way i am 34 now.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    hum... I had really lots of chances since i was 13. I used to hand with older girls, like 15 yr olds and up. But I never accepted any sex offer, now I am 21 and I really regret it. I haven't had sex yet.

  • 2 decades ago

    17. I am 33 now. I only regret who it was with, knowing what i know now. At the time I was in a 2 year relationship and well... it was about time.

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