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Do people of ALL religions have a duty to study their chosen faith?

Personally, I find myself most bothered by people who are ignorant of their own religion, whether it be their religion's theology, scriptures, or history. I believe that people should study all three, that knowledge is power and that the more knowledge you have of your religion the stronger and more genuine your faith. You don't have to have the equivalent of a Masters degree in it, but doesn't it behoove you to know something about your religion beyond the basics of "Jesus saves" or "An it harm none"? As a Pagan, I've seen a lot of fellow Pagans who really have never learned anything beyond a Wicca 101 book, or claim to worship the deities of X culture but have never picked up a book on that culture or its' religion. Meanwhile, they criticize Christians for not understanding their own religion. I find nothing more fascinating than studying religion, but I especially want to know about my own. Shouldn't we have at least some detailed knowledge of that which we allegedly have faith in?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm Catholic and have been all my life, but it was only about four years ago that I decided to start learning in-depth about what my religion really teaches.

    Before that, if someone had asked me to explain the Catholic teaching of purgatory, or of belief in Mary's Immaculate Conception, or anything other teaching that was uniquely Catholic, I couldn't have done it.

    Now, I think I know my own faith much better, though I'm still learning new things about it.

    I'm much better off, personally and spiritually and all, by knowing my Catholic faith more fully.

    So, I would recommend everyone to hit or Barnes & Noble, and buy some books that deal with what your faith -- whatever it is -- really teaches. It will only benefit you.

  • 2 decades ago

    I, too, feel you should be applauded for this question.

    I was raised in a very Christian household. However, all the members of my family were of different denominations, which made life very interesting as a child. I was raised to believe that all faiths had validity and were meaningful to the individual who practiced it (even tho my father would always add that they were wrong...but it didn't mean they didn't make valid points - yes, I was a very confused child).

    I became Pagan over 10 years ago, after studying the faiths of many denominations. Each felt that they were the only True Religion but couldn't back up their faith with answers other than what the pastor would preach. I finally decided that I would start researching on my own, with their own Holy Books and texts to find the answers I sought. Nearly 20 years later, I am still studying, still learning, still searching for answers. Believe it or not, they all have the same basic tenants, just different ways of getting there. It's like sports. Sports is all about getting into a uniform and chasing a ball. Football, baseball, basketball, soccer...they're all the same. If you have the ball enough times, you might win. I don't think that any religion is the ONLY True Religion - we all are playing the same game. Eventually, we will all win the game of Life.

    Continue to search, continue to learn, continue to grow.

  • 2 decades ago

    FINALLY! Someone else asked the question that needs to be considered.

    My answer is a wholehearted yes.

    I think that many people would benefit from studying not only their religion in depth (as in reading academic journals; educational historical papers discussing the area, history, culture, and time period from which their religion sprung; their own holy book cover to cover; and intellectual theological discussions), but other religions as well. This should be done with an open mind and during this reading reference should be made back to what you personally believe (not what you are told to believe).

    This would form a true knowledge of their faith, and allow people to find the path most suited to their beliefs. In this search people would perhaps learn how to live their beliefs ever day and minute of their lives rather than just giving lip service on holidays and religious gatherings.

    This would be a huge improvement to those that just show up, mouth what ever they are told (without thinking about what they are saying or taking it to heart), and then go right back to many behavioral patterns that are the exact opposite to their religious beliefs.

  • Nikki
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Whoooooo, DW, you got guts to ask that question! :-D *applause* I hafta agree wholeheartedly on the knowing your religion/path aspect. The more one knows, the more committment one can make to hisher path. The more one knows, the better the "relationship" one can have with whatever "god" or Path they have. The more one knows, the more geninue they will come across to others of differing faiths and philosophies. :-)

    I also have a favorite mythology site that I visit now and then to this day, whenever my curiosity gets the best of me. :-) Hope some of you like?

    Source(s): Encyclopedia Mythica
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  • 2 decades ago

    We definitely have a responsibility to study not only our religions, but others as well. I personally think it's extremely disrespectful to not only fellow practitioners but to the Gods themselves when we choose to be ignorant about our own beliefs.

  • Of course.

    My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6

    We cannot live as Christians if we do not know enough about Christ to know if we are Christ-like or not.

    I believe it was the philosopheer Marin Heidegger who said, "Faith without doubt is not faith, but convenience."

    Some people want something convenient to answer the questions of life. I think the questions life presents us with call us to search deeply.

    I believe God wants to be known fully. He calls us to search Him out.

    If a belief is going to change who you are, you should know as much about it as you possibly can.

  • 2 decades ago

    Yes and they also have an obligation to at least read up on other religions so when they talk about why theirs is better or the best it can be an intelligent opinion.. Not I know that mine is better because our bible says so. (Not aimed at any specific religion)

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I am so glad to hear that I am not the only one that thinks so.

    We have to study our faith, without study, how will we know we are on the right path? I spent years in study of my "faith-to-be" (I converted to Catholicism), and still find that I am doing a lot of study work.

  • 2 decades ago

    It's up to God to call who He will.

    It's then up to the individual to heed that call.

    If they do, they will certainly know that God Loves them. Then His Spirit is sent to fill them. He is the one that teaches us. We cannot learn about God like learning about auto mechanics.

    Our knowledge comes by Spiritual Revelation.

    To know more, click here...

  • 2 decades ago

    I think you got it a little bit wrong.....people don't STUDY their religion....

    it's more about understanding it so you can get close with God who made you...

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