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Am I being Racist?

I am Educated, white, female, married, mother, who moved to S. Texas, I cannot find a job because I don't speak Spanish. Spanish wasn't a prerequisite. Why should I be forced to learn another language to work in my own country?

15 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't know if you are being racist but you are not being realistic. You live in S. Texas what do you expect. There are many Spanish speaking people there. So who is more employable, a person who speaks only English or someone who is bilingual. You don't have to learn Spanish to work in this country but it couldn't hurt when you live on the Mexican border in what used to be a Mexican territory. Just being born in America doesn't entitle you to a job or move you ahead of other Americans who may not have been born here, or were and choose to retain the language of their culture. In this free market economy there is a demand for Spanish speaking employees in S. Texas. It is ultimately your decision if you want to make yourself more marketable or not.

  • Leigh
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    What part of South Texas are you in? My friend had a similar experience in Corpus Christi. Texas has a large population of Hispanics and if you are in a Hispanic ran city, then sometimes thats just the way that it goes. It all depends on this city. If there is a high concentration of Hispanics, then being bilingual is almost a must. It's not just America that does this. There are other countries where natives cannot get a job because they can't speak English. I don't think you are racist at all. In fact you just may be being discriminated against because you ARE white. And people, unless you've been in those shoes, don't tell me that it doesn't happen. It happens all the time to white folks in Southern Texas states, thats why we are in Austin now. I personally think that it is ridiculous that one should be forced to learn a language in their own country that is not theirs in order to get a job.

    To the person that said it is Bush's fault: Illegal Immmigration has been around DECADES before Bush even thought about running for office, and it was much worse in the past. However, this is not a political debate and you are allowed to believe what you want.

  • eggman
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    Well yes and no... nobody forced you to move to S.Texas, that was a choice you made. Did it take you by surprise that there's lots of Mexicans and other Latinos living there? If you don't want the fact that you only speak English to be a factor in your employment options you should move to Vermont or Maine or one of the many really white places we have in this country. No matter how hard you think it is to learn Spanish, it's about ten times harder for them to learn English, and yet many of them do. It is just unrealistic to expect that every person on the border region is going to speak English. Take the time to learn Spanish, it's not as hard as you probably think it is, and there are tons of places to learn for free.

  • 2 decades ago

    You don't have to learn another language. Says WHO? sounds like you are being racist towards hispanics.

    If you cannot get a job and you know English, maybe it has to do with something else, like not enough experience in what you are applying for or maybe the place you are applying at feels that you are not qualified enough. Continue to search and I am sure if you are educated, you will definitely find a good career in S. Texas.

    One thing is for sure, that S. Texas pays alot less compared to any other city.

    Source(s): Monster.Com
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  • Bri
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    I know, if people want to live here they should accommodate to us instead of us to them. It isn't fair. I still think it may be a good idea to learn Spanish only because being so close to the border may give you advantages. The people should have given you the job anyway and given you time to learn because this is America, not Mexico. No you are not being racist in my opinion, but maybe I am racist too! Good luck! :)

  • 2 decades ago

    No. That's not racism. Let me give an example. I'm Irish and I work with a lot of Polish people and rarely talk to them at break times because they have conversations in Polish. If anything, I think it is ignorance on their part not to make an effort to speak in the tongue of the country that is providing them with a new life/job/sense of self worth. If in another country, you should make the effort to learn their language. But you are not obliged to in your own.

  • 2 decades ago

    You cant help it you don't speak spanish! WHat do they want yo to do? Learn it overnight? Thats so stupid, our language is english! They are not required to learn english in america, why should we have to learn spanish?

    mexicans here illegally are hard working and never complain... so i say let em stay. but that doesn't mean we should have to learn another language.

  • 2 decades ago

    spanish isn't such a hard language.

    you'll learn it in a flash

    but every human who considers themselves educated should know at least 3-4 languages, english being a definite one. it took me 2 months to learn spanish when i was 17

  • 2 decades ago

    This is a hard one but no you are not being racist in my opinion but maybe find jobs that you think wouldn't require to speak spanish for a job.

  • Pobept
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    No your not racist, South Texas is being over run with illegal Mexicans, taking OUR jobs, eating up out tax base in free services they pay nothing to receive. Free Medical care, free schooling, welfare payments, WIC assistance, shall I go on?

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Because that mofo George W. Bush (Texas' favorite American), has opened the borders and has welcomed illegals to our country with open arms.

    Politicians are not anxious to get these people out of here, because they don't want to lose their maids, nannies, and gardeners.

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