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Lv 4
Kimbo asked in HealthWomen's Health · 2 decades ago

Help me please? Read details.?

My nipple just started hurting really bad. Its never hurt like this before. Its like when you rub it against a peice of clothing that leaves an icth. I'm not wearing anything that will cause this. Can you tell me what it is?


Done two pregnancy tests negative. I really want kids though.

6 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    because of the rapid release of estrogen

  • 2 decades ago

    are you breast feeding? have you breast fed recently? do you wear a bra? do you see a rash? do you take birth control pills or depo provers shots? where are you at in your cycle? have you had sweat on your breasts recently? have you had skin-to-skin contact recently in that area?

    these are all important questions before i can answer! i worked in OB/GYN for 10 years and can help you better if i know these answers.

    it's usually a fungal thing. kind of like diaper rash. caused by sweat or breast feeding (most commonly). you can buy monistat 7 and try that. you have to try that before you use hydrocortisone cream 1%. the meds can cancel each other out. you can try using a gentle soap and moisturizer twice a day. either way, the monistat or hydrocortisone will clear it up. if it has to do with sweat, you can get Desenex foot power -- the one with Miconazole in it -- NOT WITH SALICYLIC ACID IN IT (this type will make it burn!!) -- ask your pharmacist for help if you can't find these products. but the answers to the above questions are more important to truly diagnose the problem.

    Source(s): my ten years of OB/GYN medical experience!
  • 2 decades ago

    ur not the only one sometimes that used to happen to me espicially when i used to live up north in Cleveland Ohio, well they say that in the winter and fall months sometimes our bodies need more moisture then usual but whenever that used to happen i used to put one of the following on my nipples

    lip balm or carmex ( i know very wierd huh but it works not too much though)

    or neosporin works very well, A&D ointment, and or vasaline if nothing else

    it could be the type of soap u use or body wash try using dove sensative skin produdcts i prefer the bar soap rather than the body wash and other products but if none of these remedies work then u should see ur dermatoligist or doctor! Good Luck!

  • 2 decades ago

    as being ur sister in law go and do a pregnancy test love jackyxxoo

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  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago


  • 2 decades ago

    go to the doctors, they will know exactly wat is goin on.

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