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I really don't get it!!!?

Why won't christans admit to their pagan part of their religious practice. They happily put up cristmastree's and hide eastereggs. Have a trinity, a goddess figure (Mary) they pray too. Jeeeez, even fairies (Angels; the bible sure doesn't describe 'em the way they pictured them). Is it just me or does the last supper remind you of; I think; a Norse tale??? So why do they quote the bible every time they hear about a proclaimed witch. I can't say I'm pagan, but there is no way I can belive in the bible, to educated for that. What makes them think their one of the 199thousand (I think) to go to heaven????


Read the bible several times, studied with JW for years, grew up in Germany (Religion taught in school), read the Koran, read the book of Mormon and several history books in this subject. Now who is judging????

Update 2:

Let me rephraze, less problem with the bible, more with organized religion. And I do have a lot of respect for JWs (Jehova witnesses), Muslims and Jews, who actually live what they preach.

19 Answers

  • Ally
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that they're afraid to admit that parts of their religion weren't handed down straight from their god but rather adapted from religions that existed as Christians were gaining power and converts. They don't want to admit that the religion itself changed to accomodate those converts; there wouldn't have been nearly so many "saved" if they hadn't been allowed all of the holy days and religious beliefs they'd held for centuries. You forgot about the May Pole, the Corn Dolly for the Harvest, and All Saints' Day, a day that you revere those who came before. Sounds pretty familiar to me as a Wiccan and one who is knowledgable about the practices of pagans before the advent of Christianity.

    You might notice that the Jews do not claim those holidays. At least they're honest about their beliefs. This is one of the issues that really gets to me.

  • deed
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    Well, you are just too educated for us, let us know one second into eternity why we Christians did anything. You will have your answer by then.

    It never ceases to amaze me that unbelievers think Christians have no fun. Christmas and Easter are fun times that we remember. We also celebrate the feasts of the Bible if we're Messianic Believers. Some even celebrate the real Sabbath on Saturday. Sunday is the Lord's Day, the day we set aside to renew us for another worldly week.

    We know it isn't the REAL birthday of Christ, but we all celebrate birthdays, why not one for Him? Go on, bake Him a cake, doesn't hurt anything.

    Actually, Easter is Passover to us..but it is just fun and a way for the children to get the real story. The eggs represent the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    As for angels, they are a reminder we have a guardian angel and are encamped about w/others. I for one am not so hep to them as most are women figurines, but the Bible shows they are men. My religion does not pray to Mary.

    We also know that none of this "paganism" will send you to Hell. Not accepting Christ as your personal Savior does that.

    Source(s): granny wisdom
  • 2 decades ago

    You are right, Christians do (ignorantly or not) mix the pagan religions with Christianity. But if it's one thing that a true Christian knows it is this: That Jesus Christ came as the Word from God in the flesh, full filled everything in the old testament, died on the cross for our sins (which meant being separated from His Father and the Holy Spirit), and rose again, He ascended into heaven and sent us the Holy Spirit. We are told by Him to spread the Word, be baptized, repent, love God and our neighbor.

    If one can see this then it is of the Holy Spirit....A Christian is forgiven, not perfect just yet. Anyone who cannot see this was either not told about it , and if they were their eyes were not opened by the Holy Spirit, or they do not need to spend eternity with God because they are perfect enough as they are or are too educated.

    Jesus came to save the lost, not the perfect and too educated.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    It's just like sticking a pin into jesus..that's my catchphrase from now on...I'm fighting religious unreason & superstition with more of the same...

    I have a vodoo doll of Joseph's son and every time anyone on YA gratuitously says Gays are sinful or should repent,then in goes another pin. Suggest any other victims of gratuitous Christian cruelty or bible bashing do the same.

    It's easy to stop tell them...just don't use your religion to be cruel.

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  • 2 decades ago

    Your question is fair minded, but looking for answers from people you already know are delinquent in their own religion will not give you new answers.

    Please examine the teaching of the Baha'i Faith as they are entirely designed to be those of the modern age supplanting the ancient traditions excepting what is eternally true and unchanging is the same.

    Remember that Christian teaching the whole sum of all the law and the Prophets is to love thy neighbor as thyself (sermon on the mount). So anything contrary to that is not being Christian at all.

    "If you love me, you will keep my commandments" -Jesus. Since most claimed Christians don't consciously love their enemies, most don't consciously love Christ either.

  • 2 decades ago

    If you ever meet a real Christans you wouldn't feel like they were fake. Christans aren't perfect people. I for one don't pray to Mary. I pray to Jesus and God. Also real religions Believe you get to Heaven by believing. So there will be more than 199000. Anyone who ask Jesus into there life will be able to go.

  • Well, there's a difference between coinciding with the dates of pagan holidays and actually having pagan influences in celebrations today. For that matter, I wish the stain of commercialism would divorce itself from the celebration of Christ's birth, and as for the Easter Bunny co-existing with the commemoration of Christ's resurrection, I've got my own tribute to the Easter Bunny at one of the links below. :-)

    Source(s): (pastor wouldn't preach a Christmas sermon because of its pagan origins) (my tribute to the Easter Bunny)
  • 2 decades ago

    Christianity is paganism.

    If Christians rejected paganism, they wouldn't be Christians. With few rare exceptions, the only non-pagan bible thumpers are Jews & Muslims.

  • Sam's
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    I am sorry you have not read the bible. yes I admit the catholic church did adopt a lot of pagen festivals into its doctrin. but I do not think that most christians worship Mary or pray to the saints. it is not scriptual the bible says worship God only. there is not limet to those going to heaven . but to have a chance you must put God first in your life. and you would be surprised how that makes life easyer

  • 2 decades ago

    Um what century are you living in dear? And why do you ? Why are you so passionate about this? People have a right to their faith, I know a lot of christians, and none of them fear witches or stuff like that. Heck we all love harry potter! I think you shouldn't assume so much, and why are you trying to prove a religion wrong? That is hurtful to many people, yet hopefully they don't care because they hopefully have strong faith.

    Maybe a christian attacked something you felt strongly about, but don't stereotype us all please. We love our faith, and it is what makes us all feel love and connection. I love God, and I don't talk bad about other people's beliefs, because in my eyes all religions have the same goal, and that is a search for a great life, unity, and happiness. Please don't hurt that...

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