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Anonymous asked in Education & ReferenceHigher Education (University +) · 2 decades ago

Any helpful hints to help me get through my public speaking course this semester?

6 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Always look towards the back wall of the class room when speaking. That way, you look like you are looking at the audience. Pick a spot right above their heads.

    Make sure you are comfortable with your topic.

    Practice in front of a mirror, then in front of the friends that you know will heckle you. That way you are prepared for distractions.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    View your class as more than just learning to talk in front of people. Anyone can do that.

    View it as a possible future way of making a living.

    Some speakers start their careers making about $1500 to 3500 per lecture. It only goes up from there. Famous people and the not so famous great speakers make 10-15 thousand for a speech.

    They don’t make that just because they can talk in front of people. They are good at public speaking.

    So my tip is view what ever you learn now as an investment. You can only withdraw that investment in your future if you deposit it now.

  • 2 decades ago

    I always try to remember that the audience doesn't know what I'm going to say. The only way they will know you mess up is if you let them know with your facial expression or words, so just go slow. Also, don't look directly into anyones eyes. Focus on something in the back of the room or if you need to make it seem like you're having eye contact, look at someone's forehead. They will think you're looking right at them.

  • 2 decades ago


    If you want a head start look at the web site below - full of great information!Also has a great book which puts it in to easy to understand language.

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  • 2 decades ago

    yes just dont look at the audience and at anyone you know. another thing that helps is that if u feel ur doing this for yourself and no one else then it will go great. best of luck im sure u will do well

  • mikeae
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    what always works for me to look straight at the back wall of the room and pretend no one is there.

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