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Is Islam a religion of peace?

Not according to these protesters in England.


did any of you even look at the link?

18 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    where on earth have you seen Islam and peace co exists?

  • These protesters are obviously upset and much of their signage is disturbing. As for violent, some may think the same could be said about Judaism. I feel, however, that any religion is only as peaceful as it's followers.

    all religions generally forbid killing...

    from the outside, how do you think these folks appear:

    Meir Kahane

    Yigal Amir

    Robert J. Goldstein

    Jewish Extremist Groups:






    James Charles Kopp

    Eric Rudolph

    Christian Extremist Groups:

    Nagaland Rebels


    Army of God


    Osama bin Laden



    Islamic Extremist Groups:


    Ansar al-Islam

    Al Quaida


    Babbar Khalsa (Sikh)

    Provisional Irish Republic Army

    Liberation Tigers (Tamil)

    White Aryan Resistance

    there are also anti terrorist groups of all faiths.

    Source(s): I am no way condoning terrorism or prejudices of any kind
  • lily
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    "But if the enemy incline towards PEACE,do thou (also) incline towards PEACE and trust in Allah:for he is the one that beareth and knoeth (all things)". {8:61}.

    "But Allah doth call to the home of PEACE:He doth guide whom He pleaseth to a way that is straight." {10:25}

    "and the servants of Allah Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility and when the ignorant address them ,they say,PEACE". {25:63}

    "But turn away from them, and say PEACE But soon shall they know." {43:89}

    these are just some verses from the Holy Quran where Peace was mentioned, there are many others.

  • 4 years ago

    Islam!a faith of peace!Is someone attempting to 'pull the wool over my eyes'!each and every of the hassle spots interior the international contain Muslims!starting from Iraq,Iran,Afghanistan,Syria,Palistine and through this united states killing probability free men women individuals and little ones interior the London tube bombings!it ought to look that Islam is attempting to bomb us back to Mediaeval Britain!I quite have not in any respect heard a Muslim denounce Osama bin weighted down or Abu Hamza!What do they anticipate from Britain!

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  • 2 decades ago

    Islamic terrorism is inspired by Islamic teachings. We can never get rid of Islamic terrorism unless we defeat the ideology behind it and that is Islam itself. Islam induces hate backed by lies. Muhammad was a terrorist by his own admission. All Muslims, to the extent that they follow him, are terrorists. Those Muslims who are not terrorists are ignorant of Islam and are not good Muslims. Fortunately they are the majority. We need to rescue them. If you are a good human being, you are not a Muslim. Read this site and if you can't prove me wrong, which you certainly can't, leave this deceitful cult of hate and terror and join mankind. Don't be part of the Umma. Umma is fascism. It is divisive. It induces the hatred of others. Be part of humanity instead. Your ignorance is not an excuse. Pull your head out of the sand and face the truth, like we did.

    Faith Freedom International is a grassroots worldwide movement of ex-Muslims and all those who are concerned about the rise of the Islamic threat. We want to bring humanity together, not by introducing yet another doctrine, which always ends up dividing mankind more, but by eliminating the doctrines that divide us. We want to abolish this evil 'Muslim vs. Kafir" dichotomy. Mankind is one family. Don't let narcissist men like Hitler and Muhammad sunder us with their big lies. Don't become the victim of the "divide and rule" policy of a psychopath.

    Faith Freedom stands for freedom of faith. We are against Hate, not Faith. We revere human rights not human beliefs. We endeavor to be factually correct, not politically correct.

    Do your part! Let this message out. Let us eradicate Islam and bring mankind together - the way God intended. Islam is the cancer of humanity. We can get rid of it. There is nothing we humans can't do. Mountains move aside to make way for those who are determined.

    Ex-Muslim Movement

  • nimesh
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago

    Like every religion Islam is also a religion of peace. We cannot deny on this or be a hyporit.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Yes, of course it is.

    What is wrong with all of you so-called Christians who are such playa' haters when it comes to other religions? Why is everybody so close minded these days? What the hell are the schools teaching, or are they teaching at all? I've never seen so many people who seem to have no concept of what it means to think for oneself.

    And don't come back and tell me that we all must "blindly follow the word of _______(you fill lin the blank). God gave us minds to use them, not to pot plants in them!!!!

  • 2 decades ago

    yes dont blame the religion because of few bad seeds how about if some one ask the Jews kill Christ n now Jews n Christian are friends how about that ever wonder dont blame the religion any religion for that matter blame only the people who did it bush sharon osama that serb guy hitler u get what i mean....people are evel not the religion

  • 2 decades ago

    I went to college in the 80's and these clowns were around, hanging out with the IRA.

  • 2 decades ago

    It's a very difficult one. This is why many misinterpret it. Almost impossible to master, but if you are a true believer, than it can be a powerful en lightning experience.

  • layla
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    Is any religion one of peace? They all preach it but how many actually come across as peaceful? None!

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